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netwar 35

Event News

NETWAR 35.0 Survey Feedback

Thanks to everyone who submitted feedback on our post-event survey for NETWAR 35.0.  We have read it all and made some improvements for NETWAR 36.0.  We are always striving to make our events perfect.  Here are four big questions we would like to talk about: Why don't you serve alcohol…
March 29, 2019
Event News

NETWAR 35.0 – Welcome Gaming Consoles!

The NETWAR staff is excited to announce that we will support gaming console systems at our next event, NETWAR 35.0.  That's right, you can now attend NETWAR and bring your XBox One, PlayStation 4, or Nintendo Switch and participate in the gaming action at the event.  Be sure to tell all…
July 6, 2018
Event News

NETWAR 35.0 – New Venue!

The LANFest NETWAR staff is VERY excited to announce our next event, NETWAR 35.0, will take place on September 7-8th, 2018 at Baxter Arena here in Omaha, Nebraska!  You read right, we are taking over an entire arena for our next event!  We will have 638 attendee seats on the arena floor with…
June 4, 2018