When NETWAR moved to Baxter Arena for NETWAR 35.0 we made a big investment into the network infrastructure for our LAN party. We wanted the best speeds, lowest latency, and best performance for everyone who comes to NETWAR.
Some of NETWAR’s setup includes:
- Network Firewall: pfSense
- Network Cores: (2) Cisco 5672 and (Spare) Cisco 93180
- Network Access Switches: Cisco Nexus 2248
- 10Gb Internet, 10Gb fiber backbone to access switches, 1Gb to attendees
- Servers: Two Dell PowerEdge R620s rocking 2 x Six core cpus, and 96GB RAM each. One Dell PowerEdge R820 with 64 cores, 544GB RAM, and 2TB of enterprise-grade SSDs
- Fully custom captive portal check-in system, internal RTMP streaming service, LAN website, and monitoring
- Docker (ELK, LibreNMS, Grafana [backed by InfluxDB, Telegraf, and Chronograf])
We also kicked up our Internet connection with a big thanks to Scott Conference Center. They generously provide our 10Gb Internet connection.
Fun Fact: NETWAR owns almost one mile of extension cords!