NETWAR Tournament Instructions and Information
Please watch this quick video that will explain everything you need to know about tournaments and our software at NETWAR.
Quick Instructions
- Open a web browser and go to our Intranet site –> (no HTTPS)
- Register with your Ticket Code and create a new password for our Intranet site.
- Click on “Tournaments” and select a tournament.
- Create a team, join a team, or join as a free agent to get picked up by a team.
Transcript of the video above
Hello, this is Mr. Beast, thank you for participating in our tournaments at NETWAR.
This video will be a quick walkthrough of our tournaments and the software that we use.
During a typical NETWAR event we will host around four to five official tournaments. These tournaments are selected by vote from registered attendees shortly after the event registration opens.
Schedule and Rules
You will find the list of tournaments and the rules for each tournament in the schedule section of our website for an upcoming event. You will also find our global tournament rules right here on our website.
(Show browsing to website and going to schedule section, and opening up a rule doc, and then show the global rules area)
Our tournaments use the Swiss System for match making. Basically this means there are no eliminations from the tournament. As you progress rounds in the tournament, you will be paired with teams that are of the same caliber as your team. As an example, teams that have 2 wins and 0 losses will be paired, teams that are 1 and 1 will be paired, and teams that are 0 and 2 will be paired. The system tries to not match you up to the same team twice, however, this is not always possible to prevent. To learn more about the Swiss System, please read about it on Wikipedia.
(Show Wikipedia Page) –
Time Commitment
Please be aware before joining a tournament that our tournaments usually consist of four to six matches, regardless if you win or lose, and can take up to five hours to complete a tournament. You must play in all matches, there is no elimination and forfeits are not allowed. Please consider this time commitment before joining the tournament.
For first place, you will win a super cool LED lit trophy designed by our admin Zeet959.
(Show photos of trophies)
No other awards are awarded for any other place.
When does tournament registration open?
Tournament registration will open about an hour before a scheduled tournament will start. We will announce the registration opening over the PA system and in #tournaments in our Discord server at
YALP (Demo while walking through all of this)
To join a tournament, you will need to visit our Intranet software designed by our admin Gamma, this software is affectionately named “You’re at a LAN Party”, or YALP. You can only connect to this software when at the LAN on our network.
You will open a web browser and go to (notice there is no HTTPS).
Create an account
If this is the first time connecting to the Intranet site YALP during this event. You will need to register using your ticket code which can be found in your registration confirmation email that you received when you purchased your ticket. It can also be found under the My Tickets section on the registration website, right under the barcode. You will then create a new password for your registration. This is reset for each event.
Create a team
If you wish to create a team, browse to the tournament and select Create a Team. Give it a team name, and select a password if you wish to keep it private to who can join your team. Share this password with your teammates. If you are short-handed on a full team, you can pick up free agents to fill the team.
Join a team
If you want to join an existing team, browse to the tournament and select “join” next to the team. If the team has a password it will ask you for the password.
Free Agents
If you don’t have a team, you can join the “Free Agents”. You will be picked up by teams that are short-handed.
Find Matches
To find your next match you will browse to the tournaments area and view the “my matches” section. Here you will find your opponent and see which side you are starting on first and which server to join.
Report Score
When a match finishes, either the team captain of the winning team or the losing team can report the score by going to the tournament and clicking on “Report Score”. Select which team won, and enter in the scores.
How to find teammates or opponents
While viewing your team in our Intranet software, you can see each team member’s seat number. You can also use this if you need to find an opponent to correct any issues with them.
Tournament Director
Before the tournament starts the tournament director will ask all team captains to come to the admin area for a quick walkthrough of the tournament and rules. He will let you know how you will be able to locate him for any questions or issues during the tournament.
For voice communication, we recommend using Discord. You can create your own private team channel in Discord by going to the “Team Voice Channels” area and clicking on “Join To Create”. It will autoname the channel after your Discord name. You can change the name of the channel by editing it.
(Demo all of this in Discord)
Find Gamers
When not playing in a tournament. If you want to find someone to play a game with. You can use the Looking for Gamer feature in YALP. Here you can set what game you want to play, and see what others have listed for games that they would like to play. Next to their gamertag, you will see their seat number to be able to locate them. You can also find gamers in #find-gamers in our Discord server.
Seating Map
To be able to locate where a seat is, you can use the seating map in the registration system. A link to it is here inside of YALP.
Alright, back to tournaments. When all scores are reported in, we are then able to generate the next round. We will announce this on the PA system and in Discord #tournaments channel. You will have five minutes to join the designated server and start your match.
If you have any questions, or issues whatsoever that are preventing your match from going live in a timely manner, such as within that 5 minute window. Please report it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to an admin. Either in Discord #tournaments chat, or come up to the admin area and talk to the tournament director. Delays in the start of matches cause us to seriously get behind in our tournaments and we don’t have much time to spare to complete a tournament. Please do your part to expedite the tournament.
We hope this video was helpful. Please enjoy playing in the tournaments at NETWAR.
And I, Mr. Beast will see you there!
Thank you!